Friday, March 7, 2008


I've been mentally giving all of my roommates a hard time for their compulsive tv show watching--their regularly scheduled Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday evenings in front of the tv--but I think my contempt stemmed from my own guilt. I am (or was...) a recovering America's Next Top Model addict, and now I don't think I can honestly claim to be recovering. (Un)Fortunately, I found a site not blocked by BYU's ridiculously arbitrary filter that has every single episode from seasons 1-9. Seeing that I stifled my addiction after season 4, I've been catching up lately. Jiminy, it's glorious! As well as vaguely detrimental to, well, everything else in my life.

1 comment:

Saradactyl said...

Hahahaha. I love ANTM, too bad it practically melts the brain when watching.