Saturday, May 10, 2008

Shaq Attack!

Okay, so this week has seen a sharp decline in the demand for accommodation in Sanpete County, Utah. I haven't had any guests this week and won't until next weekend! Jiminy. Part of me loves these off-times, which usually result in my being allowed to read, watch TV, eat, and sleep too much. But, at the mo I am taking an Independent Study German course, and it is majorly cutting into that precious me time. Last night I rebelled though. After finishing an entire unit yesterday, I decided that I deserved some unwinding time, so I started watching a few Law and Order: SVU episodes at around midnight. My situation: I was all alone, in this old house, in the early hours of the morning. Why did I put myself through the terrification of watching the scariest episodes of SVU I've ever seen? WHY? I won't go into too many details, because even now, in the assuring light of the sun, my heart is beginning to pinch with the irrational fear brought on by simple remembrance. ANYway, I couldn't sleep because I was so afraid and ended up having to pull out my homework to finally make myself exhausted enough to fall asleep. So, long story short, bad night. Well, it got worse. I had the most PALPABLE dream! A more appropriate moniker may be nightmare, but (luckily) it wasn't one in the bloody, tortuous, raping SVU sense. It started out on the top of a New York City skyscraper, where Ethan Sproat, one of my English professors at BYU, was throwing a movie party. We were watching some black and white movie, but I wasn't really paying attention to the movie because Shaquille O'Neal (yes, the Sasquatch of a man) had sidled up next to me and was sleeping on my shoulder. His head was massive, and every attempt to shrug it off fruitless. He was making my entire left side fall asleep. Right at the tingling stage of that process, he finally woke up, looked at me, and smiled. My dream fast-forwarded from there to his living room, where I met his eccentric, white-wisp haired mother (who was hilarious in my dream... I wish I could remember what she said!) and from thence to our wedding day. Ahhh! Nooooo! Shaq attacks are hard to shake. I've been having false memories all day of our life together... and while they do bring with them a sort of relief when I realize they never happened, they are still too disturbing to merit any sort of appreciation. Simply because they involve the giant basketball player who played a genie in that one movie. Ugh. Shaq. Never. Ever.


Lara said...

you are going insane

if it makes you feel better, I once had a dream about being married to Prince Charles

Brittany said...

Your found the scarily perfect picture to go along with your narrative! Hilarious! And scary. :)