So jiminy! What a May Day! Seriously, this is an emergency.... Snow on May 1st=Petulance, as well as soon-to-be withered flowers. Ah well, they made for some interesting pictures. (But I still don't think it was worth it)
This blog contains the musings of a rather immature person just beginning to articulate her forming thoughts/ideas/feelings about the de-escalation of goodness in this sad sad world. That sets a somber mood, eh? How about: and occasionally, joyous tintinnabulations are heard throughout the (cyber?)land when Angela condescends to offer her profound contemplations, valiantly succeeding in some small way to regain that lost, well, goodness. So readers, if you hope to remain in your degregated state, by all means quickly "ex out." But if you are pilgrims hoping to progress with Christian on his quest to Mount Zion, read on! My exhortations will speed your journey. Now that is a mood, still vaguely somber [blast!] and worse still, quite dishonest. Another failed attempt at imitation. Well, welcome anyhow. I hope you glean something from the useless posts [to any 2nd party] contained herein - though I rather enjoy the opportunity to ramble on; the posts are useful, at least, to this party.
I heart these pictures. And i miss you.
. . .
comment on my blog. it's new!
Love these pics! Lovely play on color. Where were these taken? I don't remember planting tulips...
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