Jiminy, it's been a sporadic blogging week (or few weeks?). Much has happened, I suppose. I have a new job (which does not involve the bleak ringing of an alarm clock at 4am!)--I am a Research Assistant with Dr. Hoskisson and it is mildly glorious: very interesting work, flexible hours, great pay. So I am happy happy! My sister just returned from a month long excursion to the land of the Oppressor (that's for YOU, Marissa) an unfair appelation in my opinion... Ü Germany, as well as a visit to England and Switzerland. Oh, and on that note, I have been accepted into the German FLSR program, so that's where I'll be living next semester! I have also applied to Hebrew University's summer program and am vigorously crossing my fingers for an acceptance letter within the month--if it doesn't come, though, I have alternative summer plans. Ah, the joys of simply waiting (typed with all the sarcasm my fingers could muster). There's some more news, but I simply can't think of it at the moment. Tschüss!
You have a job as a research assistant?! Holy cow! That's amazing! I thought you had to have all kinds of connections to get one of those jobs! I've been asking around in the poli sci department for the last year trying to get an RA job, and instead I'm working in the stockroom at the BYU bookstore! Holy cow! You must be doing extremely well!
Yeah! I am still sort of gasping at my good fortune... and my cousin works in the bookstore (stockroom or shipping or something?)
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