Sunday, March 25, 2007

17th Post

I am reading Salman Rushdie's Midnight's Children right now. Loving it. Interesting: two consecutive possesive nouns. Another example: Angie's friend's favorite college's basketball team. Speaking of college basketball - Georgetown made the final four! Ya- stinkin- hoo! They upset UNC in OT - Oh man! I wish I could have seen that game. But honoring the Sabbath day of the Lord is more important to me. I will, however, be able to watch a much more exciting game: Georgetown and Ohio State on Saturday. Whew! I'm getting excited already! Yippee! This week is full of expectations - hopefully they will not be disappointed, and therefore, likewise, I as well. Laughter. I am full of hopeless, muddled lingo. My mind is a jumbled hodgepodge of thoughts that scramble over one another to remain foremost in my thinking. Chaotic introspection - it happens every Sunday in anticipation of the upcoming week or the nights before special events/holidays. Oh boy, you should see me on Christmas. Well, I had best go to sleep; give each of the various thoughts a chance to be mulled over.

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