Holi Festival
These are some pictures from March 29th's Festival of Colors--most basically, a Hindu celebration during Spring which commemorates the demise of Holika, a fire-immune demoness. She had murdered numerous babies by cradling them in her arms while in the midst of fire. When her brother asked her to murder his son,
Prahlad, she again cradled him in her lap while sitting in a flaming pyre. However, Prahlad, by virtue of his
prayers to Lord Vishnu, was granted a sort of reversal of roles: Holika was burned and Prahlad walked out of the flames unscathed. So anyway, long story very short, the Holi festival celebrates that event with an effigy burning of Holika and "color throwing." (I must admit, I don't know exactly where/why the colors come in). Anyway, it was wicked fun, and I seriously felt like I was being mustard gassed (except without the whole mortal fear and everything). A totally rad event, which raised Utah's cultural plane a bit higher in my regard.
Your blog gives me hope yet! I'm an oldie, and having been a regular attendee of the festival for many years now I have become concerned that too many of the young people were just coming to get crazy and dance around without bothering to learn about the culture behind it and the role the owners of the temple play in the community. I personally think it would be great if more of the festival goers would also volunteer at the temple and maybe attend the meditations. Speaking LDS here, one doesn't have to change their religion to understand and appreciate others beliefs or culture and if your testimony is strong enough others views shouldn't threaten it and may possibly only strengthen it. We all need to reach out as just PEOPLE and perhaps repair some of the messes that have been created in society. We each have a message to teach and an obligation to do so. I'm so grateful for the culture the temple has brought to little, and sometimes small minded Utah County, and I hope more people will take the time to understand it more because it surely will broaden their horizons and enrich their minds. Didn't mean to go on so much but thank you, for being a bright, intelligent young woman! It's reassuring to know there is something to hope for in the younger generations, watching the ones on tv can be so diparaging. Again, thank you!...................mosey1066
Nice, Thank you.
I'm also impressed with your blogspot entry. You've posted the pictures and story beautifully. Wish I could do as well. I'm done some blogspot but I could not get the pictures to be exactly where I want them to be. Other than the archive, I could not work the right column as well as you've done. Would you share some blogspot tips? Kate usausak@hotmail.com
Oops, posted original in the wrong place
Holi is amazing, yes. I had a fantastic experience which I blogged about recently: here.
Angela! I'm on my blog! And that is amazing!
Actually, I just wanted to give you a way to find my blog this summer-- because it is super important that you be able to find itttt!
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